Thursday, 23 August 2012

Should Peanuts Be Banned From Schools?

Should Peanuts Be Banned From Schools?

The idea of banning peanuts from schools is not a new concept. Given that peanut allergy is common and frequently severe and life-threatening, parents of peanut-allergic children would be right to want to ban peanuts from schools. However, there are problems with such an idea....Read Full Post read more..

Scary Experience-Asthma Attack

Tips for Managing Asthma in School

Any parent who has helped their child through an asthma attack knows what a scary experience it can be and that parent will naturally be concerned about their child having an attack in school. So what can parents do to manage their child’s asthma in school? Speak to the school staff For younger children, parents [...] read more..

American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology dispels fall allergy myths

American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology dispels fall allergy myths

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 25 million adults and children across the country were diagnosed with rhinitis, or hay fever, within the last 12 months, which may lead many to believe they've caught an early-season cold. read more..

'Exposure Therapy' May Be Option for Kids' Egg, Milk Allergies

'Exposure Therapy' May Be Option for Kids' Egg, Milk Allergies

Small studies found some children could tolerate food 'triggers' with gradual, medically supervised treatment read more..

Saturday, 11 August 2012

IMS Health Expands Access to Allergy Alert Smartphone Application for U.S. Consumers

IMS Health Expands Access to Allergy Alert Smartphone Application for U.S. Consumers

IMS Health, in collaboration with Ford Motor Company, has launched an enhanced Allergy Alert smartphone application accessible on the Ford SYNC in-car mobile device connectivity system, enabling drivers to obtain real-time, voice-activated information about local allergens to better manage their health condition. read more..

Child's Allergy Risk Higher If Same Sex Parent Has It

Researchers have discovered an interesting fact about the genetic basis of childhood allergic diseases: a child is more likely to have a particular allergy if his or her same-sex parent has it. So for example, a girl's chance of having asthma is higher if her mother has it, and a boy's is higher if his father has it... read more..

Lg Air Conditioners-Digital Technology-Air Conditioning-Mobile Handsets-Home Appliances

LG air conditioners protect against allergies

LG Electronics, world provider of digital technology, mobile handsets, and home appliances, recently announced that it had developed its Air Conditioning solutions so that they contain features that protect users from seasonal and chronic cases of allergy, and asthma. read more..

Violent Reaction-Violent Behavior-Adverse Effect-Allergy

Is my daughter's violent reaction to a drug an allergy?

My daughter was treated for anxiety with Zoloft around a year ago. However, her school reported alarming, violent behavior (she never had that before), and we stopped it after only a week. I always understood this to be an "adverse effect," but a nurse today told me it was an allergy. An allergy means she should never take it again, but an adverse effect could be grown out of, and doesn't rule out similar drugs. Was the nurse just dumbing things down, or was she correct? read more..

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Pharmaceutical Company-Environmental Factors-Allergy Therapeutics-Grass Pollen Allergy

Allergy Therapeutics plc: FDA Clinical Hold Lifted

August 03, 2012 -- Allergy Therapeutics plc, , the specialist pharmaceutical company focused on allergy vaccination, today announces that the FDA has confirmed that the clinical hold in the US dated 2007 has now been lifted on the Company's grass pollen allergy vaccine clinical development programme, with immediate effect. read more..

Infants exposed to specific molds have higher asthma risk

In the United States, one in ten children suffers from asthma but the potential environmental factors contributing to the disease are not well known. Researchers now report new evidence that exposure to three types of mold during infancy may have a direct link to asthma development during childhood. read more..

What sets allergies in motion?

Scientists have identified a group of proteins that determine how cells react to allergens, and two of them may hold the key to future preventative medications. When the chain of events leading to an allergic reaction is fully understood, she says, drugs can be developed to inhibit the initial reaction, relieving sufferers of their symptoms. read more..

Chronic Inflammatory Diseases-Allergic Asthma-Airway Damage-Dna Circuitry-Immune Cells

Rewiring DNA circuitry could help treat asthma

Reprogramming asthma-promoting immune cells in mice diminishes airway damage and inflammation, and could potentially lead to new treatments for people with asthma, researchers have found. The researchers were able to reprogram the asthma-promoting cells (called Th2 [T-helper 2] cells) after identifying an enzyme that modifies the DNA of these cells. The enzyme could be a target for the development of new treatments for chronic inflammatory diseases, in particular allergic asthma, caused by an excess of Th2 cells. read more..

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Hypersensitivities-Peanut Allergies-Body Of Evidence-Type Of Cancer-Immune System

A Protein Group Identified That May Kick-Start Allergic Reactions

Allergies, or hypersensitivities of the immune system, are more common than ever before. According to the Asthma and Allergies Foundation of America, one in five Americans suffers from an allergy - from milder forms like hay fever to more severe instances, like peanut allergies which can lead to anaphylactic shock... read more..

Risk Of Brain Tumors May Be Lower In Those With Allergies

New research adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that there's a link between allergies and reduced risk of a serious type of cancer that starts in the brain. This study suggests the reduced risk is stronger among women than men, although men with certain allergy profiles also have a lower tumor risk... read more..

Arrowhead Regional Medical Center-Children And Families Commission-San Bernardino County

COLTON: Hospital receives grants for dental, asthma, programs

The Children and Families Commission for San Bernardino County, known as First 5, has awarded two grants to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center that will enable it to continue a dental screening program and asthma and allergy services provided by its Breathmobiles. read more..

Gluten Free Bisquick

Multi-purpose Baking Flour (aka Gluten Free Bisquick)

When I was ‘wallowing around in the mud’ after falling off the dairy and sugar free wagon, I found a few time savers that I really didn’t want to give up. Have you used gluten free Bisquick? Come on now, you’re among friends ;) I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to admit to using it here… [...] read more..